Category: Blogging

What is The One Thing That is Enough For Your Life?

I had a full weekend with little time for rest. I spent my time working in the yard, gathering with friends to worship, and supporting my grandson at two of his soccer games. I had a subject in mind to write about all through the weekend, until just now. I’m switching gears. (more…)

Powerful Life Changing Confessions You Might Not Know

What I have written is lengthy, so please carve out some time to fully focus on the message I am conveying. I am confident that what I wrote will in some way be a touchstone in your life. I trust you’ll find it of value in your life. (more…)

Do You Know The Good Word On The Street About You?

We should avoid gossip at all cost. Why? That little secret we share with the next person almost always grows into an exaggerated lie. And, in the process, a division is created between the gossiper and gossiped. So, we must put away gossip and take on thoughts that are pure and lovely and uplifting. (more…)

What I Could Do With Money Pouring Down From Heaven

Money. Many see it as all-powerful. The driving force behind all we are, possess and can do. The misguided thinking is that if we have more, we can buy more and do more, for ourselves. It can deceive us into (more…)

3 Recalls, A Prayer, And Loving The Hurting

Photo by Michael Mroczek on Unsplash

It wasn’t how I wanted to spend my day. You’ve been there. The inopportune hours spent at the auto repair shop. There were three recalls on my car. After making a few attempts over a year’s time to have them repaired, the parts were finally in, and the repairs could happen in two hours.
