I had a full weekend with little time for rest. I spent my time working in the yard, gathering with friends to worship, and supporting my grandson at two of his soccer games. I had a subject in mind to write about all through the weekend, until just now. I’m switching gears.

I wanted to share with you in detail what I learned about grace in a season when I didn’t know how I could receive it. But I did. And, I’m so thankful, but, that is NOT what I am going to share with you today. I will be sharing a story of grace.

Today was full up with a three-year-old toddler who will NOT listen and obey right away. He is one of THE most intelligent toddlers I’ve known when it comes to using his hands and mind to get what he wants. There is not a door lock he can’t figure out. There is not a gate that will withstand, and there is not a car seat that can outsmart his abilities to keep him contained.

In April, my daughter was in a major car accident. Her potential to keep her toddler marching to the right drum is now limited, and the fallout is immense. Today was her first pain management appointment. We invited my 13-year-old grandson to keep watch on our wild child while at the doctor. We reasoned that it could allow me to help bring comfort to my daughter during her procedure. He was reluctant. Don’t get me wrong; he loves his brother. But watching a child who will not listen and obey right away…well..I’m sure you get the gist. He was nervous and concerned for his mom and out of love for her, he agreed.

After loading the car, we headed to the doctor’s appointment. Before arriving, our wild toddler fell asleep. We were elated. But that was shortlived. Almost as soon as he was asleep, we arrived at our destination. And you know what that means. He had to go with us, and that meant waking him. Thankfully, my older grandson pulled him from his car seat and lay him in his supersonic can’t-destroy-me-stroller without a fight. His eyes opened and closed several times as we stood peering over him. Oh please Lord, let him sleep. And like that he was gone again.

When we strolled into the appointment with our sweet sleeping child, I looked at my grandson and said, “Do you see what God has done for you?” He reached his hand and planted it over his heart implying God gave him peace. Yes, and I repeated, “Do you see?” Yes, he said, “God has given him sleep, and me grace.”

He slept through the appointment, waking just as it was time to leave. Grace for the moment is enough. Often we are looking for significant outpourings and what we truly need to do is slow down enough to see where He gives us precious moments of grace. Those are the things that keep us going that are enough.

What is the one thing that is enough for you?

Want to Know Why I Am Writing For Twenty-One (Business) Days In September?

Photos by Clem Onojeghuo and Roman Kraft on Unsplash