Month: June 2013

Don’t Worry, Be Happy!

worried-woman-smIt is something we all struggle with at some season of our life. Especially as women, moms and daughters. We hear people say, “Don’t Worry, let it go” many times throughout the day. How is it they can say this? Do they really mean it? I wonder if they have been able to get rid of that tight knot in their stomach. You know what I’m talking about. It makes you want to lay down and sleep forever or run and hide till it goes away. It’s a knot that feels like it will never go away. I’m willing to guess that if you don’t have it now, there has been a point in your life when you have. Probably more than once.

If you used to have it and don’t any longer, what is it that made it go away? I am one of those people who used to have multiple knots and worry as soon as I (more…)

Plans For Your Life


When a home is designed, the architect has to be exact in his measurements and scale when creating the plans. A home is good at being a safe haven, a place of shelter and to share family love. It serves its purpose by doing what it is good at doing. In a similar fashion, we are formed and shaped perfectly for the purpose we are designed to serve.

I love how our heavenly Father’s Word steers us to do what we are good at doing. How many times have we tried to be like, look like or dress like someone else? I’ve done it, you’ve done it. It never works does it? It might for a little while, but eventually it will begin to drag us down.

When we try to be someone else by doing what they do, we short change ourselves and those around us. When we let go to allow our lives and work (more…)