Month: July 2013

Abide In Me

Seek me first with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. Through this seeking, all else will be added to you.  Abide in Me and I will abide in you (then you will understand the beauty of how our God mends the pieces of our shattered hearts to wholeness), no branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in Me. John 15:4

Learning to abide is a process. Each day we that we rest in Him, we live and love well.

Picture yourself as a bird flying high, flying high above all the chaos and those who reach to pull you down to their immature way of thinking and rebellion. Trust in the Spirit of the Father who abides in you. Awaken your heart to Him, giving each new day to Him to hold you up, above the conflict. Trust there is a greater plan and He knows best. When conflicted, pray about everything while giving thanks to the Lord Jesus for your conflict. It has led you closer to Him.

It is in this closeness with Him, this daily moment to moment giving of your heart to Him, that the Potter reshapes the heart, the soul, the mind and you come into the new mind, into alignment with the likeness of Christ Jesus (the anointed One). Above the chaos, flying on the heights, you receive empowerment through the light of the world to come down into the chaos of others, maintaining balance of peace and God’s presence with you to shine the light out to others which is flows from deep within your soul.

Our Creator has promised a life of abundance in the glorious riches of Jesus Christ when we seek Him first, above all things. It might not look like what you expect, but stay the course, trust Him alone in everything, sit alone with Him until you are alone with Him in a crowd of thousands. God will honor your devotion, your heart and He will make Himself and the Way known. Believe Him, this is what He asks of you.

You are the future of what comes next. In every breath you take, you breathe in life or death. In every thought, word and action life or death is chosen. Breathe life so you may give life! Trust your Heavenly Father, the only One able to shine light in and through you.

Pressing On

I keep pressing on to reach the goal. Just like when building a house, writing this book has required a complete stripping of the land, removal of any unstable ground and grading before pouring the footings and level foundation. It’s a laborious work. It requires revisiting events and emotions I didn’t care to experience again. But the process has been good. My life has improved and the writing has become more precious and alive. Sometimes I ask myself, “Why have you spent all these years on this one project,” and I hear a whisper, “Publish His glorious deeds, tell everyone what He has done.” I look back at changes in me and the life reborn. Coming from desperation and looking for love without Him to being loved into having a purpose with Him is all it takes to keep me pressing on. Our amazing Creator gave His Son to die for me. It took nearly four decades of deep and paralyzing pain, major stumbling and falling down, so far I thought I might not ever get up. In the midst of it all something happened. Our Creator got my attention. I don’t believe my rebellion could have ended without divine intervention. When I look at life today, I’m thankful. Thankful that all I went through drove me so far away that I had no where else to turn but to the loving compassion of our merciful Savior and Lord. I’m confident He knew I could bear no more. A life of peace, joy and love from the beginning might have changed everything. With all my flaws, He showed me His love.

He rescued me. I didn’t deserve it and wasn’t  looking for it. How could I look for something I didn’t know? He redeemed me through His greatest gift! Sharing the wonderful things He has done through this book is an honor. It’s not a real pretty package neatly tied with a ribbon. It’s painful, but  light came. I want to tell you all about that light and love. That’s why I went back  . . . so you won’t have to. I let Him rebuild my house, forming me and shaping me in His way and for His purpose, in a way beyond anything I might imagine.

I did much of the painful work to guide you there too! Maybe it will save you some time and you will opt out of further shattered dreams and broken heartedness.


It has been a long road. It all started more than forty-five years ago. Today, the last few strokes are down and the weight is lifting. Finally, the story of my life, the grave places I visited, the lost and blind life I led is down on paper. But who cares about all that? The good part is what happened in the middle of all that.  In the middle of the darkness and on the road that led to hell. . . there was revelation of truth and love! There was a rescue and in this rescue came forgiveness, peace and grace. Now, lived out on the other side after five years, I share the story. The truth about why (more…)